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flash 5 actionscript studio (book)

first published on oilzine.com

When Flash 5.0 was released designers realised that now was the time to think more like programmers. Traditionally, designers had always avoided the hard logic of programming, and instead concentrated on airy-fairy things like form, line, and balance. However, they soon discovered that to be able to express their ideas fully in Flash, they would need to learn how to programme.

A new programming language, called ActionScript, was therefore created by Macromedia so Flash developers could generate storming, interactive designs. Basically, if you want to compete in state-of-the-art interactive web design, you had better learn ActionScript.

This book, written in a clear and easy-going style, covers all the things you need to know about designing interactive interfaces with Flash. It includes the principles of good design, navigation via motion, mixing ActionScript with other codes like Javascript, ASP, CGI, and PHP, database driven sites, planning projects, and the usual design features like file optimisation, scalability, and more.

It really is much more in depth than any other Flash book I've seen. Of course, you have the usual examples with rotating 3D cubes and the like, but on the whole, things are presented with detail and thoroughness, it is full of tips and case studies, and the projects are good and varied.

The book starts at intermediate level, but is advanced enough to challenge most readers. If you are a novice then this isn't the book for you (try a foundation book first), it is essentially for users who understand how ActionScript has changed, but haven't yet harnessed the full potential of the language.

The one problem I have with the book is that it doesn't come with a CD. You've got to download files from the friends of ED website (www.friendsofed.com) and it is about 45Meg which makes it time consuming. Surely a little CD-ROM wouldn't be too much to ask.

But, overall this is the best book you will find about ActionScript and well worth the investment. Throughout, the information provided is authoritative, the explanations are clear, and the subject areas covered are extensive. It gives you the skills to be able to get total control of the look, feel, sound and behaviour of the animated interfaces.

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all text + design © Stephen Pryke