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first published on oilzine.com
Auntie Johnny's tips for saving money.Using some string and those plastic cups you get from vending machines as bras or cod-pieces (or possibly both if you're a ladyboy), could save you up to £200 per year.
To make a bra
Recipe: First make two holes just below the rim of each of the cups [marked GH and JK on illus.1].
Repeat this step for end C and hole K.
You now have a ready to use bra.
Finally, simply slip on a t-shirt for that lovely Madonna look.
To make a cod-piece
Recipe: First make two holes just below the rim of the cup. (as though you're making a bra) [marked E and F on illus.5]
The cod-piece is now ready to wear.
Finally, strut around the room for the perfect Cameo look.
P.S. If you have a problem with the size of the bra-cup you could try using buckets instead. If you have a problem with the size of the cod-piece try using a thimble. |
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all text, design + images © Stephen Pryke